Saturday, May 12, 2007

Where We Eat Our Food

The 3rd day of The Beck Diet Solution deals mainly with where we eat our food. Do we stand in the kitchen and nibble here and there? Are you one to snack while you are on your computer? Do you snack your way through a warehouse club? These are all examples of "mindless" nibbling.. Most of the eating that people do while on their feet is impulse eating, not food that they had planned to eat. Every time we eat one bite of food we need to sit down at the table and be more conscious of every bite we eat. All the bites we have here and there, they all add up to some serious calories we really don't remember we even ate....Then we wonder why we don't lose weight or we lose slower than we think we should...To end this, we all need to make a commitment to sit down at the table every time we are going to eat a snack or meal.. When you see it in front of you, you are more apt to remember eating it and you will be more satisfied than when you just grab and go....They have found that people who do sit down to eat, lose more weight and are more able to maintain your weigh loss years later...So..lets all give it a try and see how it works for us.


Anonymous said...

UGH! My first challenge. All I could think was 'don't tell me to sit at the table to eat...I know I won't do it...'... Glad the lesson for the day way to sit down to eat. I can do that. My only challenge is the snacks at Costco...but if I picture germs crawling over the food that's been handled by who know who, then I can get past this one.

I did add several entries to my Response Cards today:
Thought: Being aware where I eat is not important.
Response: Eating at the table is a ‘social trigger’ for me, sitting down every time I eat and set up my timer is a ‘food awareness trigger’, and therefore important.

Thought: Seeing what I eat is not important.
Response: By spreading out what I am going to eat at this sitting, I will be more psychologically satisfied and it will be easier to track.

Thought: I don’t like rules about my eating behaviors.
Response: “Change the process … change the outcome”.

Diet Solution said...

Blog information is very nice.Thanks for sharing